Thank you for this post! It’s really valuable, particularly to a serial procrastinator like me!

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Happy that it's helpful, Carlo!

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Jun 23Liked by Christian Palm

Great post. Very actionable!

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Thanks, Wadnes!

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hit rate?

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Valid question.

For me approx. 20-30% ends up with some sort of meeting or chat. Often not with the purpose of selling anything, but just to have a dialogue.

Hit rate for sales is for me around 1-2%, and I actually think that is quite high.

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The personal message approach is excellent for anyone creating something solo. Learning to do it (i.e., simply starting) and how to do it (i.e., how to be authentic and not pushy) are two key habits.

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It sure is!

Everybody can read through a standardized message - add something personal and even add in a few typos makes it more real. :)

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